The Board of Directors has been vested with the responsibility and authority to:
1. Interpret and enforce the association’s constitution, bylaws, and playing rules.
2. Formulate and amend rules in order to serve the best interest and objectives of the association.
3. Reprimand, suspend, bar completely, or otherwise discipline any member, player, coach, referee, administrator, parent, or affiliated team for violations of the association’s constitution, bylaws and rules.
4. Budget for and administer the funds of the association subject to the ratification and approval of the membership.
5. Hire, supervise and terminate employees.
6. Form standing and special committees and appoint individuals to serve on such committees.
7. Appoint individuals to fill vacancies on the board of directors until the next regular election.
8. Maintain the recreational program as the primary and most important function of the association and the club team program as part of the natural progression and advancement resulting from player development.
9. The executive committee shall hear and decide all protests and appeals and shall decide appropriate disciplinary actions for incidents of misconduct.